
March 2021 Newsletter

Easter comes early this year. March closes out with Holy Week and remembrance of the final hours of Jesus’ life. I will never forget last year’s Easter. I celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus with a handful of people filming the Service at Moss Point. It was difficult but appropriate. The first Easter was celebrated by few people. The news of our Lord’s Resurrection had not yet become known. This Easter we will cautiously return to the gathered celebration. The pandemic is not yet over; however, the worst is likely behind us.

We are not yet at Easter. Lent, for the Church, is a remembrance of Jesus’ Passion. The face of our Lord was set toward the Cross at Jerusalem. Our journey is not the same as His or the disciples. We live on the other side of the tomb that could not hold the Son of God!

We know that He has conquered sin and death. The Holy Spirit has been poured into us as the Church. Our experience tells us that sorrow gives way to joy. This knowledge gives meaning to walking with Jesus toward the Cross. We too are to embrace suffering for His Kingdom. The Body of Christ does not mourn as the world knows sorrow without Resurrection. Remembering the Passion of Christ tells us that His victory over sin and death is now ours!

The first Christians celebrated every Sunday as Resurrection Day. We are to do the same. Lent is the 40 days leading to Easter plus Sundays which are to be remembered as the day of Jesus’ victory over the grave. Because He lives we know life everlasting!

Yours in the name of the Resurrected Christ,

Brother David

Read the full March 2021 newsletter here.

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