
November 2021 Newsletter

Sunday, October 24th, is a day I will never forget. Nineteen of our young people were either baptized, had a reaffirmation of baptism, and were confirmed. You would be proud and thankful to God to have sat in on their classes. Teaching youth from 6th grade to 12th was a challenge and I am grateful for Pastor Chrissy, Lainey Dees for their assistance in teaching. Parents helped to walk our children across the street to the Calico House and back each Sunday and sat in on classes helping us to keep order and focus. Others assisted Lisa Hedegaard in preparation of the Confirmation meal for our students and families.

Confirmands were baptized either by sprinkling or immersion as our denomination observes both as a valid means of baptism. I’m thankful for the decision to immerse outside as I failed to adequately tighten the drain plug when it was filled Saturday afternoon. When I arrived Sunday morning 3/4th of the tub had drained harmlessly on the grass instead of inside the Sanctuary! Sometimes God intervenes and saves us from disaster!

The Sacrament of Baptism and Rite of Confirmation are meant to save souls from disaster and redeem them for the Kingdom of God. We believe God marks a person who is baptized as a son or daughter of His family. As David Jeremiah said “God has no grandchildren. All believers are God’s children.”

Baptism and Confirmation provide an excellent opportunity to re-examine our faith as a congregation. I reflected upon the vows we made toward this year’s class. We committed to be there for them and support with our prayers, presence and service. They will thrive as disciples in part based upon how well we model the faith of Jesus Christ.

The public witness of Baptism and Confirmation are meant to renew the faith of this congregation. Eternity is riding on surrendering to Christ as Lord and Savior! As believers there is a sense in which we surrender daily. God imparts His grace so that we are able to submit and grow as a disciple.

Others will soon begin a new confirmation class. I look forward to seeing what God has for the future of this congregation in Lucedale, Mississippi!

We have much to be thankful for this season. The best is yet to come!

Your servant in Christ,

Brother David

Read the full November 2021 newsletter here.

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